Vipassana Journey

8th of January 2022, i am again in the consultory of a guy in Beja (Portugal) who makes you stop smoking with quantum energy. He puts two metal crocodils on your ears and then with something that seems a pistol he shoots you some electricity into the location of your third eye. Pada, after some minutes you leave the consultory as if you never smoked, true story...its only the habit and social pressure that makes you return.

After being freed from addiction, i left for the north of Portugal. Porto, Viana de Castelo, Moncão, etc…
Being in Monção i received the call from someone, the connection was bad and i was really not understanding the purpose of the call. Finally i remembered that i had inlisted in a Vipassana meditation and was on the waiting list. Are you still interested in coming, you must be here tomorrow before 18:00. Thanks for the call, i will check if i can make it and call you after or send a message.

Checked the train connection and yes it was possible if i would stand up at 5:00 am in the morning. Here we go, by train to Madrid and then Candeleda in total around 1000km.

I had not really searched up on the course and it´s program, so i was going a little bit in inocense without knowing what to expect. I don´t know, i thought it would be nice to meet new people, sing some songs around a fire and that stuff and meditate some hours.

In reallity it is a military grade camp, you stand up at around 4:00 and go to bed at around 22:00. In between you are thougt the meditation technique Vipassana and meditate (sit) around 10 hours.

There is a really good book who explains all the details of a 10 day Vipassana Course in a personal view, higly recomend if you are interested.

So in short, in 10 days they thought you a millenial technique that was discovered by Siddhartha the Buddha, it is not tied to Buddhism as the name Buddha suggests.
It´s a simple technique and thats it, no dogmas or other religious stuff. Of course if you continue the practise it will inevitably lead you to his other teachings and also buddhism in general which has some parallels.

I have been practising Vipassana since then, every single day 2 hours per day at least. For me it has opened a door to a universal truth, which would be quite dificult to ignore or close again, so i continue to walk on the path. I am gratefull to all that lead me to take the course and in 3 days i will repeat a 10 day course in Pokhara to further deepen the technique.

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